Simple and Easy Bible Studying Method for Beginners!

Hello My Dear Friends,

Today I am going to be sharing with you the Bible study method that changed my life!
Okay, I may be a tad dramatic when I say that. But seriously, it was a game changer for me.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may know that last year I re-gave my life to Christ. I was baptised as a baby, born into a catholic family, and attended catholic church growing up. I completed my Communion but got halfway through my conformation and never fully completed it. During that time I really never felt connected to God, Jesus, or ever really got into the Word.

One of the things that felt heavy on my heart when I first accepted Jesus into my life again, was the fact that I had no idea how to read the Bible. I was so nervous, and anxious at the thought of even opening it. For some reason it was this daunting task and I felt like a disappointment almost for feeling so lost. But I had to take a step back and realize that God would walk along with me in this journey. And one thing I learned throughout out this year is that it is indeed a process.

So,I decided to just go-for-it and started reading The Bible from front to back. A little ambitious I might say, and somewhere in between Leviticus and Numbers I got a bit discouraged. I started to feel like I was barely grasping anything, just reading to read. And let me tell you, its NOT a good feeling. So, I took to research. YouTube, Pinterest, Google, even Instagram. Looking for information, resources, and inspiration.

Now, if you’re an “older” Christian (I’m what I like to call a “baby” Christian) then you may already know about this method. And I am in no way an expert, i’m definitely still learning, but I felt like i just had to share ; even if this only helps one person strengthen their relationship with Christ.

There are SO many methods out there, and it got a little overwhelming at first. After some time comparing I decided with the SOAP method. It fit my learning style and it made the most sense to me.

What is the SOAP method?

Scripture : Write out the scripture you are reading, or whatever parts that speaks to you.

Observation : Who is the Author? What is the author saying and/or to Who? Write down what stood out to you about this verse. Were there any instructions or commands?

Application : How can you apply this verse to your life today?

Prayer : Ask God to help you understand and apply this scripture to your life. Spend some time listening to what He may be telling you.

I like writing all of this down as I’m studying, I feel like I learn better when I write things down ; even if its repetitive.

Another thing to consider is that you do not have to start at the beginning! Although I will say I think it’s great for everyone to read it from front to back at one point in their life.

Using this method I searched for a bible reading plan, which is usually 30 days of scripture reading , and I applied this method as I was reading.

*Full disclaimer, I have no idea who came up with this, but if you do please let me know so I can give credit where it is due. *

Originally I purchased a Journaling Bible, which is BEAUTIFUL, however I mess up often and I write pretty big. So while I still take notes in my Bible, I later chose to get a notebook with full pages so that I can draw, color, decorate, and write on the entire page for my studying sessions.

I am a major stationary nerd, so of course I had to get some things to go along with my bible studying. I will link some of my FAVORITE Bible studying supplies down below. While they aren’t necessary, they sure make it more fun. These are affiliate links, which mean I may get a commission when you shop with those links, at no extra cost to you! If you do decide to purchase through them, I want to graciously thank you for helping support me and my family.

Happy Studying My Dear Friends.

Shop Below:

My Current Bible (available in different covers and translations) :

Bible Tabs :

Favoririte Gel Bible Hilighters :

Favorite Pens ( work great in the Bible as well):

Guided Journal :

Favorite Notebook :

Regular Hilighters :

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